Unnamed Media Portfolio

Promotional Video Suite For Ag Services Company

We took a page from the Nobis family playbook and put "boots on the ground" to develop this multi-video Value Proposition.
NOBIS' Company Story Video highlights their familial culture.

Videos that Convey Value.

It's not enough to have a video that looks good and rounds out the filmmaker's portfolio – Video is only effective when it's approached with a marketer's eye.

Using our process for breaking down an organization's Unique Value Proposition, we worked with the team at Nobis to find out what sets them apart, and planned a suite of three videos targeting the key elements of their value message: Family-oriented, Agricultural Consulting, and Quality Assurance.

Video #2: Nutrition & Consulting

Another core principle at Nobis is their boots-on-the-ground nutrition and consulting. They're not satisfied just providing a product to their clients, they visit in-person to see how the farm is operating and witness in-person their feed's impact on their clients' dairy herds. We did the same. Meeting their clients and their herds, we were able to provide evocative b-roll that includes both testimonies from the family farms Nobis consults with and footage of their most satisfied customers: the cows.

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Video #3: Quality Assurance

We got to know Nobis Agriscience inside and out, touring their facility and meeting their staff to understand their process from new client intake to production to delivery. That's how we were able to make this suite of videos that hits on all the high points of their process, like their rigorous quality assurance standards.

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